Robótica Educativa

Students receive a comic or video clip with an everyday life situation that ends in a problem to arouse curiosity. The problem can be simulated with a robotic kit that has to be build, so the student has to create a model and test it. The challenges are taken from the official curriculum. There are 18 lessons per grade; covering math, language, history, geography and science. Each lesson has 10 different modules (ODAs Learning object).The 1st step is the video clip; 2 ODA shows theory and then comes some tips to build the robot for experimentations. Other ODAs are glossary, questionnaires and multimedia applications in HTML5 so they can be viewed on any device independent of the operating system. The robot kit (LEGO type) has sensors (light, temperature, proximity, etc.). A motor gives mobility and there is programming involved on the process.
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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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