Beacons of Life

Beacons of life is an alternate solution that complements previous traditional methods of alerting people with audio signals, voice messages, signs, maps and bright lights. Open sourced low cost, disaster-activated kit for evacuations. The solar powered kit will include devices that will serve as a life line for groups or individuals in need of quick access to information or transfer thereof, or life saving instructions on the fly. It will also include escape routes and meeting points for multiple scenarios, visual and audio alarms with alerts, and instructions for disasters survivors to follow into safety. This includes LED lights, audio messages and constant updates placed and delivered throughout both open and closed spaces such as schools, universities, libraries, malls, hotels, hospitals, residences, prisons and discos, etc.
As it is the case in the event of a major disaster, signs, instructions and even pathways to these meeting spots could become unavailable or inaccessible. Most contemporary structures and institutional facilities will have designated meeting spots in established safe areas near evacuation routes. In addition, visual clues would be of little assistance to people with visual disabilities and those who are disoriented, panicking or in shock. Basically, the devices in this kit will be perfectly safe and easy to use for everyone, in case anyone has a disability. Also by providing these kits, little beacons of life will rise in each community to bring hope to their people in a different and innovative way.
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He estado sufriendo de VIH y herpes genital durante los últimos 3 años y 8 meses, y desde entonces he estado tomando una serie de tratamientos, pero no he mejorado hasta que encontré testimonios del Dr. TAKUTA sobre cómo ha curado a diferentes personas. de diferentes enfermedades en todo el mundo, luego lo contacté también. Después de nuestra conversación, me envió la medicina que tomé de acuerdo con sus instrucciones. Cuando terminé de tomar la medicina herbaria, fui a un chequeo médico y para mi gran sorpresa, me curaron del herpes. Mi corazón está tan lleno de alegría. Si padece herpes o cualquier otra enfermedad, puede comunicarse con el Dr. TAKUTA hoy mismo en esta dirección de correo electrónico: o WhatsApp en este número de teléfono. +27788634102 ... Dr.TAKUTA también cura: 1. HEPATITIS A, B, C 2. HERPES 1/2 3.DIABETES 4 TIEMPOS. 5.STDS y ITS 6. ASESORAMIENTO MATRIMONIAL 7 CASTING ENCANTADO 8.HECHOS DE PROMOCIÓN DE TRABAJO 9. PROBLEMA MARITAL 10 HECHO
hace 5 años
Good idea, but the people need to be prepared, and having the right behavior to own these kits is key
hace 10 años

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