
Auris is a device developed by high school students of the Centro de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos 9 "Juan de Dios Bátiz", whose purpose is to help people with visual disabilities, allowing them a better movement and mobility in closed environments, providing greater confidence and autonomy to our users thanks to a totally innovative experience as Auris is. Our proposal consists of 2 elements: A robotic unit which we baptized as IRIS whose main objective is to map areas through ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles that may represent a danger to our users. On the other hand, there are the bone conduction headphones; a headphone model that does not hurt people's eardrum or obstruct the ear, which provides greater comfort and ease of detecting external noises in the same environment. These headphones help our users to have a better experience, since when a danger is detected by the robotic unit, a signal will be emitted that can be heard by the person through these headphones.
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