Florian Group

The center for educational management and educational development "FLORIAN APRENDE" is presented as an alternate seat to the Integrated School Ezequiel Florián, which has an adequate physical area and equipped with the necessary elements, to offer three thematic spaces to the tied children to the project:1. AREA OF ORIENTATION AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING: Where will be located the professionals of the human and social areas (Psychologists and Social Workers). It will be adapted with the necessary elements to manage the follow-up, support and awareness of the child, his / her family, social environment and teaching staff.2. PEDAGOGICAL AREA: This is a place for support teachers to design and implement academic improvement plans, with informatics and audio visual elements, to give dynamism and creativity to working with minors and to create favorable study habits for To recover their cognitive level.

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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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