The LifeNotes App

Smartphone App for Birth Registration & Family Reunification.
We, in the developed nations, download and enjoy apps nearly every day for entertainment and social sharing mostly.

However, this same technology that we enjoy daily could be put to graet use in the developing world -> it could help people secure for their children that most fundamental of human rights - the birth certificate.
Without a birth certificate, an individual in any country is not recognized by the state, and therefore has no identification, no right to health care, no right to education, to vote, a passport or a will. So you can see how fundamentaly important this is, and yet we allow nearly half of the worlds' new-borns to go unregistered!

Well, we want to do something about it!
We, the team at BrightBeam Solutions, propose to build and maintain a smartphone application for the purpose of civil registration. The application is envisioned to be of most use in developing countries and remote areas (rural villages), as well as dissaster areas, or any circumstance where people are displaced from their homes and separated from family members.
The app would serve as a field tool to collect information about a new birth, marriage or death, and securely transmit that information to a central database (government or NGO). In this way, the identifation and location of children, and other missing family members could be stream-lined saving time in those first critical 72 hours after a dissaster or other dissruptive event, such as armed conflict.
What about connectivity?
How is it going to work in remote areas with no signal connection?
We got it covered! The solution is in the design:
It is absolutely feasible to design the application to work offline, recording and temporarily saving a substantial amount of data to later be sent, or uploaded, to the designated database when the smartphone device regains connectivity.
Even if the original smartphone that recorded some data did not move from an area of no connectivity to an area with connection, other smartphones having the application installed could serve as a courier, ‘picking up’ a data package from the original, and transporting it to a zone of coverage whereby the application running on the phone would complete the task of uploading it to the designated database.
This would be of interest in the situation of a remote community using one smartphone to record civil registrations that never left the area (of no connectivity). If an individual that made periodic visits to this community (delivering goods, doing social work, etc.) had a smartphone with the same application installed, then they could serve as the courier of this data. This feature could also be designed with security issues in mind.
We have a core team of skilled and experinced designers and programmers to do the job.
We are passionate app builders and innovators, this is what we do on a daily basis.
We don't just know how to build quality apps, but are also preaty good at user experiance architecture, as well as integrating into already existing systems.
We just need the funds and partners to, build and test a prototype app for this project.
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He estado sufriendo de VIH y herpes genital durante los últimos 3 años y 8 meses, y desde entonces he estado tomando una serie de tratamientos, pero no he mejorado hasta que encontré testimonios del Dr. TAKUTA sobre cómo ha curado a diferentes personas. de diferentes enfermedades en todo el mundo, luego lo contacté también. Después de nuestra conversación, me envió la medicina que tomé de acuerdo con sus instrucciones. Cuando terminé de tomar la medicina herbaria, fui a un chequeo médico y para mi gran sorpresa, me curaron del herpes. Mi corazón está tan lleno de alegría. Si padece herpes o cualquier otra enfermedad, puede comunicarse con el Dr. TAKUTA hoy mismo en esta dirección de correo electrónico: o WhatsApp en este número de teléfono. +27788634102 ... Dr.TAKUTA también cura: 1. HEPATITIS A, B, C 2. HERPES 1/2 3.DIABETES 4 TIEMPOS. 5.STDS y ITS 6. ASESORAMIENTO MATRIMONIAL 7 CASTING ENCANTADO 8.HECHOS DE PROMOCIÓN DE TRABAJO 9. PROBLEMA MARITAL 10 HECHO
hace 5 años
He estado sufriendo de VIH y herpes genital durante los últimos 3 años y 8 meses, y desde entonces he estado tomando una serie de tratamientos, pero no he mejorado hasta que encontré testimonios del Dr. TAKUTA sobre cómo ha curado a diferentes personas. de diferentes enfermedades en todo el mundo, luego lo contacté también. Después de nuestra conversación, me envió la medicina que tomé de acuerdo con sus instrucciones. Cuando terminé de tomar la medicina herbaria, fui a un chequeo médico y para mi gran sorpresa, me curaron del herpes. Mi corazón está tan lleno de alegría. Si padece herpes o cualquier otra enfermedad, puede comunicarse con el Dr. TAKUTA hoy mismo en esta dirección de correo electrónico: o WhatsApp en este número de teléfono. +27788634102 ... Dr.TAKUTA también cura: 1. HEPATITIS A, B, C 2. HERPES 1/2 3.DIABETES 4 TIEMPOS. 5.STDS y ITS 6. ASESORAMIENTO MATRIMONIAL 7 CASTING ENCANTADO 8.HECHOS DE PROMOCIÓN DE TRABAJO 9. PROBLEMA MARITAL 10 HECHO
hace 5 años
I am realy excited about this challenge, and would love it if my project qualified for the next round! Please give us a "Wow" if you think it is worthy. Cheers!
hace 10 años

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