Libre Router

Community Networks have been depending since their inception on modifying existing of-the-shelf routers to adapt them to their particular needs.
Software development originated in Community Network groups and the Free Software movement as a whole, has pushed the barrier of innovation and helped comercial enterprises develop new products over the years.
This virtuous relation between hardware vendors and the community has been threatened by new regulation from the Federal Communitations Commision (FCC) -U.S.A.- which has led vendors to globally close up their routers to third party modifications, hindering open innovation and effectively closing the door to Community Networks in terms of access to the hardware they depend on.
The Libre Router project will design and produce a high performance multi-radio wireless router targeted at Community Networks needs. Global South reality and that of Latin America in particular will be specially considered in terms of cost and legal viability.
Nombre de la organización
Asociación Civil AlterMundi
Página web de la organización
Tipo de organización
Sociedad Civil
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Muchos exitos
hace 8 años
Muchos exitos para este gran proyecto!!!!!!!
hace 8 años
excelente proyecto. saludos desde bogota.
hace 8 años

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Escalamientos Frida 2016

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