Reduction of plastic pollution by runoff

Pollution from runoff is not only caused when waste such as plastic bottles, bags or poorly arranged packaging is dumped. It also happens when we use products that contain microparticles such as glitter, plastic microfibers or residual lead that are usually found in paints, clothes and synthetic cosmetics.Our goal of action is to "teach by learning" to reduce the consumption of products with plastic microfibers, to reduce pollution by runoff in the Lake Maracaibo basin.Our project consists of creating a blog:, where we are going to inform the community about measures to prevent water contamination. We will give tips on best environmental practices and people will have the opportunity to create networks between different communities and exchange opinions and information through forums to create action plans and improve the problem of water pollution caused by runoff.
¿Cómo nació el proyecto o idea? ¿Cuál fue la inspiración?
What inspires us most is the ability of people to help each other. We know that by joining forces with people from different communities we can do something important for our environment and help in the sustainable development of our city, the preservation of the environment and natural resources. As young people, we have a responsibility to our planet and to our future. We want to join forces with young people to multiply this message and expand it to other cities and hopefully Latin America.
Mencionar alguna acción concreta que han realizado en su proyecto o que planeen realizar (En caso de no haber concretado alguna)
We are creating a network and developing the blog
ODS principal relacionado con el proyecto o idea
6. Clean Water and Sanitation

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