STEM for the Streets

STEM for the Streets is a student-led non-profit organization that connects underrepresented minority youth with scientists, engineers, and doctors and teaches them STEM through hands-on labs and engaging lesson plans in afterschool workshops. A full dinner is also provided at each workshop, creating a community within the program which will live on after our sessions. Through mentorship and exposure, STEM for the Streets aims to show students that they are not confined to their neighborhoods and do not have to become a product of their environment.
¿Cómo nació el proyecto? ¿Cuál fue la inspiración?
We were once those kids. We realized that a lack of guidance in education allowed for others like us to diverge from the path they're on and join gangs, abuse drugs and alcohol, and ruin their lives. We believe that through mentorship in education we can prevent these kids from going down the wrong path. By building a community around a passion for STEM, we can prevent them from joining gangs. And by introducing them to STEM professionals of colors we show them that their success has no ceiling.
¿Cuál es el estado actual del proyecto?
Llevamos más de 6 meses ejecutándolo
Mencionar las 2 acciones concretas que han realizado desde su proyecto
Worked with 3 schools & 75+ kids. Created website.
Estados Unidos
Washington, D.C.
ODS principal relacionado con el proyecto
4. Educación de calidad
Otros ODSs relacionados al proyecto
10. Reducción de las desigualdades
Galería de imagenes

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