Project Renaissance

Coral reefs provide vital ecosystem services. In Trinidad and Tobago, threats include improper fishing practices, overfishing, unregulated activities of the tourism industry, agricultural runoff and pollution. This impedes fish stock recruitment, biodiversity, livelihoods and coastal zone management. Our reefs continue to be degraded so we aim to stand in the gap between the loss of biodiversity and conservation. We propose an education program using community engagement via workshops, citizen science initiatives, school visits and fieldwork. Public involvement in conservation efforts and collaboration with local fishermen can increase awareness and develop sustainable practices. Our team recognizes the importance of equitable education and equal opportunity and thus our objective is to emphasize the need for sustainability in many industries on which local livelihoods rely. This project promotes reef resurgence by mitigating coral degradation and dissuading unsustainable activities.
Problema que resuelve su propuesta
Our initiative is devised to reduce reef deterioration around Trinidad and Tobago by increasing public knowledge of reef functions and utilizing sustainable practices. Sensitive reefs and villages near Toco & Bon Accord will be targeted, with intentions to expand; these influence two of our major industries- fisheries and tourism. Pollution, physical damage, coral bleaching, and overfishing cause coral degradation. Thus, reef biodiversity and ecosystem services are reduced and a decline in the aesthetics of the reef affects tourism. Moreover, the decreased recruitment of economically important species negatively impacts the fishing industry. This project proposes a mitigative plan to reduce coral degradation thus preserving ecosystem services that are vital for future development of our country and its industries, especially as a small island developing state (SIDS). As a SIDS, resources are limited, hence the need for equitable education, conservation and sustainable development.
¿Qué impacto positivo tiene o tendría su propuesta en su comunidad? Cuáles son las mejoras concretas ambientales o sociales
In Trinidad and Tobago, there is inequality and inequity in education and access to opportunities. Our initiative promotes equal learning and focuses on providing quality education to all ensuring fairness and inclusion. In lower income communities there is higher incidence of unsustainable practices and thus it’s important to focus on educating here. Hence future generations are inspired to practice conservative and sustainable methods, potentially increasing project longevity and reef preservation. Increased public appreciation of reefs allows persons to become more mindful of their actions potentially improving reef resilience through reduced human impact on the environment. Our project will offer first-hand experience in data collection and an understanding of the important relationship between ecosystem dynamics and livelihood. It can improve society by providing collaborative opportunities and cultivating a more informed society necessary to stimulate sustainable development.
¿Por qué te interesa involucrarte con problemáticas que afectan al ambiente y/o a los océanos?
Trinidad and Tobago is a Small Island Developing State and characteristically heavily dependent on the marine environment. Our major reef, Buccoo Reef, has seen severe degradation and bleaching events. In acknowledgement of its ecosystem services, we aim to support the development of our small country and emphasize sustainable use of our marine resources by encouraging ocean-related sustainable practices. Using our knowledge as recent graduates of marine science, we would like to increase public interest in the preservation of reef ecosystems through proper science communication and encourage new recruits to the scientific community. Through our efforts, reef ecosystem services can be conserved so that future threats are mitigated, and jobs are created in association with coastal maintenance and improving economic development.
Principal ODS con el que se vincula tu propuesta
SDG 4: Quality Education
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Great initiative, our environment needs attention
hace 3 años
Fantastic initiative! Looking forward to seeing this come to fruition.
hace 3 años
Thanks Syd!
hace 3 años
Great idea. We need the support of all to maintain of reefs and of course all the life that depends on it.
hace 3 años
So very proud of the work you have put into this project proposal guys! I am definitely in support. Education and community involvement are so important and has been severely underlooked and such important measures particularly for communities that are associated with these resources. They are essential to encourage and ensure sustainable practices. Looking forward to things happening with this project.
hace 3 años
Thanks so much Shamirah!!
hace 3 años
Hello Marie-Elise and Alexander: feel free to share this initiative among your friends and networks so that we can strengthen the representation of T&T and the Caribbean countries!!
hace 3 años
EXCELLENT PROPOSAL! I not only support this proposal but I applaud this forward-thinking team of young Trinibagonians! It is a step in the right direction for our 'sweet' T&T. I agree that education and sustainable practices are imperative measures to promote a more sustainable society. Well done!
hace 3 años
Hello Marie Elise and team!! I am Lucía and I will be your mentor during this first stage. I believe your idea is clear and you seem to have good knowledge of the issues the Coral reefs face. To help you improve this proposal, I have a few comments and questions that might help! (1) When mentioning the positive impact, you talk about equal learning opportunities in general. Do you mean that your programme will ensure access to learning for all? If so, I would recommend you to stress that. (2) maybe you could mention in which areas will you focus these workshops, maybe towns/cities next to Buccoo Reef for starters with intentions to expand. Lets start with these comments and we stay connected through this platform!! Looking forward to hearing from you!!
hace 3 años
Hello Lucía, thank you so much for your feedback! We’ve taken it into consideration and updated our proposal to suit (2nd and 3rd sections). Is this how we should respond or do we put our edited version as a comment? We look forward to hearing from you again!!
hace 3 años
Hello Marie-Elise, you did it the right way! I believe it is much clearer now. I don't know if you know this, but 2021-2030 is the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. This can serve as a great framework for your project, and here is the website for the decade, which has several resources and news that can be of interest. And also, I would like to share this project I found, that is somewhat related to your idea and may serve as inspiration for designing your awareness raising strategy If you wish to include any further information on the proposal form and have any questions, do not hesitate to ask! We stay in touch!
hace 3 años
Hi Lucía, I am Alexander, another member of the team. Thanks for the help and the links! We’ll check them out and will be in touch!
hace 3 años
Hey Alex!! Nice to meet you! Hope the links have been useful :) please let me know any further questions you have!
hace 3 años